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In this episode, I referenced a story from the Old Testament book of 1 Kings and highlighted common mistakes of young leaders that can prove disastrous.

4 Mistakes that Rehoboam made that church leaders MUST NOT repeat:

1. He undervalued the voices of experience.

2. He overvalued the influence of position and personality.

3. He accepted more input from peers than he did from mentors.

4. He failed to realize that being a leader is better than being a king, and having followers is better than having subjects.


Being a leader is better than being a king, and having followers is better than having subjects. Click To Tweet

4 Tips for knowing what advice to listen to:

1. Know the character of your advisors.

2. Evaluate the real world experience of your advisors.

3. Be cautious of advisors who only tell you what you want to hear or who have an agenda for you.

4. Be cautious of advisors who will not stand with you when things don’t go well.


Resources Referenced:

1 Kings 12:1-20

Keith Cooper (Guitar Music)


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Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.