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My devotional time each morning has a certain flow. I am a part of a private Facebook Bible reading group who reads a chapter a day and posts thoughts to the group page. I begin there.

Then I move to the daily reading in whatever devotional book I have chosen for the year. In 2015, it was “Hearing God through the Year” by Dallas Willard. My plan for 2016 is to read a variety of books on spiritual formation, a chapter a day. I’m going to begin with Richard Foster’s classic “Celebration of Discipline.

Finally, I read from a book of daily devotional and Scripture readings based on great hymns of the faith. I’m sure my background as a musician and worship leader influences my desire to connect with God that way.  In 2015, it was “Near to the Heart of God,” by Robert Morgan.  In 2016, it will be “Then Sings my Soul, Book 3,” by the same author.

After the reading is done, I compose—on Monday-Thursday—Dr. G’s Morning Cup of Encouragement based on something from that morning’s reading–whatever God has really impressed on my heart.  That goes to a private Facebook group of the same name.  If you are on Facebook and would like to join that group, I’d love to include you.  You can click on the link above to request membership.

The last thing I do is look and see what Facebook friends are having birthdays.  I pray for them individually and send them a greeting.

I share that flow (and the specific resources) to encourage you in your own devotional time with the Lord. You don’t need to do my way. There are many methods and many resources. This is what works for me at this time in my journey. The point is to connect with God through His word and through conversation with Him in prayer.

“The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer.” (Psalm 6:9). As I read that this morning, I was struck with two thoughts.

1. That is really good news! The Lord has heard my plea and He accepts my prayer. The Creator and Sustainer of the Universe gives attention to me!

2. There is a prayer that He does not accept: the one that is not offered. Can’t God read our minds? Doesn’t He know what we need and what we want before we even ask? Of course! But He wants us to converse and commune with Him. If I don’t acknowledge my need for Him, going about my day as if it were all up to me, He will allow me to do it by myself. How much better to walk and talk with Him (sometimes out loud and sometimes not) throughout the day, constantly relying on His guidance and strength.  Our lives do matter to Him, after all.


One prayer that God does not accept: the one that is not offered. Click To Tweet

What will you do to keep an ongoing conversation with God in 2016?


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.