I had to check to be sure this wasn’t my funeral.

So said my friend, Alton, at his retirement celebration last Saturday.

Alton actually retired last fall after 26 years as Executive Director of Riverbend Retreat Center in Glen Rose, Texas but his official retirement celebration was delayed due to covid issues. (I suppose 2020 will largely be remembered as a year of loss and delay).

During Alton’s tenure, the name changed from Tarrant Baptist Encampment to Riverbend Retreat Center, many new facilities were constructed, over 646,000 people attended camps, retreats, and conferences, and—most significantly—over 14,000 people came to know Jesus personally.

Alton and I actually met at the camp in the summer of 1985 when we were both on staff at churches who brought kids to summer camp. I continued to take kids there for all the years I was either a Youth Minister or Pastor—from 1985-2007.

During Alton’s tenure as director, I was there many times as a camp pastor, worship leader, and conference speaker. I even got to lead worship a couple of years ago at the camp’s 50th anniversary celebration (because they needed an old dude to sing old camp songs).

Friends, colleagues, and former staffers gathered last Saturday to honor Alton’s leadership, vision, compassion, and commitment to Jesus. It was a combination of belly laughs, tears, and heartfelt words of appreciation.

It truly makes sense that, when they finally let Alton speak, he made the funeral comment.

The truth hit me at that moment.

I have probably been to more funerals in the past two years than any two year period in my lifetime. Though I haven’t been a pastor in almost 13 years, I probably have spoken or sung at more funerals in the past two years than any two year period when I was a pastor.

I have also written many memorial tributes in my weekly posts.

When a loved one dies, we often have regrets about the things we did not say to them while they were alive. And even if we don’t have regrets, we wish there were things we could say again—just one more time.

Last Saturday I determined that there are things I want to say to and about significant people in my life while they are still around to be blessed by my words.

Some of those things will be done privately—in conversations, notes, texts, and the like.

But there are also people I want to recognize publicly because of what I have learned from them that I want to pass on to other people.

You’ll see some of those in my weekly posts in the months ahead.  

You may not know the people personally, but I’ll try to share some lessons that will be meaningful regardless.

Part of the journey of Amazing to which God has invited each of us is the people whose paths intersect with ours along the way.

Part of the journey of Amazing to which God has invited each of us is the people whose paths intersect with ours along the way. Share on X

My encouragement to you today is to think of those people who are still around to hear your words of affirmation and appreciation and say those words now.

Be amazing today, my friend.


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.