“Absolutely spectacular!”

That’s my most common answer when I’m met with the common greeting that is presented as a question: “How are you doing?”

Most people who ask that question are really not interested in the answer, it’s just an extended form of “Hello.”

By the way, the previous sentence is not intended as a criticism—as if the world is filled with uncaring people who have no concern for anyone else.

It’s simply an observation of a fact of normal human interaction.

But I love the reactions that I get when I don’t respond with a customary “Fine” or “ok.”

There’s something about the word “spectacular” or my alternate choices, “scrumptious” or “splendiferous,” that opens the door for a serendipitous moment of human interaction.

The unexpected word tends to create a curious pause where the other person either comments on my state of existence or hurries to get away from the crazy person.

And when my next phrase is, “How about you?” I almost always get a more honest answer—one that either allows me to celebrate with the person or show some interest and compassion for their struggles.

Now would be a good time to confess that I’m not always feeling absolutely spectacular. That is to say that it is not truly my current reality.

It is my chosen story.

By “story” I don’t mean something that is intentionally deceptive. I mean that I have chosen a narrative for my life that does not exist “under the circumstances.”

My heart’s desire is to bring a greater story TO the circumstances, to be aware of God’s presence IN the circumstances, and to live THROUGH the circumstances.

It’s a chosen perspective that requires intentional nurturing.

So, when I tell someone that they can truly discover and live the amazing life for which they were created, I’m not just blowing smoke. I know it’s possible because I’m on the journey myself.

As I write this, Father’s Day is less than a week away. Two years ago, I had a dad, a stepdad, and a father-in-law to call, wish them “Happy Father’s Day, ‘ and thank them for their love and wisdom.

One year ago, both my stepdad and my dad had relocated to heaven.

This year, there’s no one left to call. Between July 2019 and September 2020, we lost all of them.

This year I will remember them, I’ll be glad for the opportunity God has given me to be a father and grandfather, and I’ll celebrate my boys (son and son-in-law) as the wonderful fathers they have become.

I am going to live the amazing life for which God put me on this planet no matter what the circumstances may be because that’s my chosen story and I’m sticking to it.

So, what about you?

Are you attempting to survive or endure UNDER the circumstances?

What would it take for you to bring a greater story TO the circumstances?

How can I help?

Be amazing today, my friend.


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.