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A couple of weeks ago, I headed for home after a gully-washer of a rain. When I walked through my front door, I was greeted by a puddle of standing water. Since we pretty much live in the Sweetie Suite in the back part of the house, Mrs. Sweetie had no idea we had water on the floor in the front. I got some towels and mopped it up, then moved the piano and the armoire away from the wall, and mopped some more.
We’ve lived in this house for twenty-three years and have never had water (from rain, at least) inside the house. Obviously, we have never have had 3 ½ inches of rain in 1 hour. It had rushed down the driveway fast enough that it had flooded under the front door.
As I was getting ready to relax for the evening, I went to put something in my home office/man cave. As I stepped into and across the dark room, I heard and felt a squish. To make a long story short, the living room water had seeped under the walls and soaked the carpet in the two front bedrooms. To make an even longer story as short as possible, Erik (from Kiwi Services), said the next day, that we must have had at least 100 gallons of water that came under the front door!
Now, as long as we have been in a drought in our neck of the woods, you will never hear me complain about rain. I’m not complaining about this rain, but what a mess! Erik came the first time on Wednesday and came back and finished up on Friday, but then I had to begin the task of putting everything back in place.
I’m still working on it. The end is in sight, but it has pretty much been my constant “at home” project for over two weeks. Just about the time I think I’m done, I discover something else. As the saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.”
Do you ever feel that way? Just about the time you get one mess cleaned up, here comes the next one? Just about the time you think you are on dry land, you feel the squish under your feet again?
I learned several lessons from this process, but space here only allows me to share one. When life floods over you, call a professional. I never would have cleaned up that mess with my old Shop-Vac and hard work. I can’t handle everything.
Neither can you. You may be a water removal professional, but you can’t handle everything. There is only One who can, and our lives matter so much to Him that He does not leave it all up to us. Jesus said, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (John 14:23, New International Version)
When it rains, He’s already there.
Question: Why do you think we are so resistant to calling in a professional to deal with life’s messes? Are there any similar reasons to why we may be hesitant to call on God?
Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your perspective.