There are certain words and phrases that are designed to put an immediate stop to everything. “Stop it!” comes to mind. “Whoa!” works. “Freeze! Police!” would definitely get me to freeze. I’d be curious about why, but I’d freeze first and ask questions later.
I’ve heard a two-word phrase several times over the past two days that has not necessarily caused me to stop, but to chuckle, especially since the words weren’t directed at me. My 22-month-old granddaughter has begun asserting some independence—again, only funny because it is not directed at me—when she is attempting to do something and her parents try to assist. “I got it!” she says impatiently while she pushes their hands away. I’ve even heard, “I got it! I GOT IT!” a couple of times.
Those words are really cute when uttered by the most precious 22-month-old voice in the world—again, not directed at me.
Something else I’ve noticed about those words: they are not only cute, they are also not entirely accurate. Most of the time, she really doesn’t “got it.” She tries a few times and then utters another cute word that is intended to result in action instead of cessation. “Hep!”
You know what happens then. The parents—my daughter and son-in-law, who are wonderful parents and people—move in and do what they were trying to do in the first place when they got their hands pushed away. This time, their assistance is more warmly received.
It’s easy, as an observer to draw some conclusions from this (other than to note the incredible cuteness of the little girl … that is my Grandpa job, after all). My thoughts on the matter are that I am amazingly proficient at telling God, “I got it!” when the truth of the matter is that I absolutely do not “got it.” When I am left to my own proficiency and ingenuity, I can proficiently make a royal mess of things.
I need God’s vision, guidance, and power AND I need His people if I am going to accomplish the things He has planned for me. The sooner I recognize my need for “Hep” the better off I will be. The same is true for you because God designed us to live most effectively in interdependent community. If we begin each day asking for God’s “Hep” and being open to the “Hep” He sends us through others, we will be amazed at how our lives expand in effectiveness, influence, and purpose.
God designed us to live most effectively in interdependent community. Click To Tweet
Explore Alaska with me
I’d like to mention a way that we might “Hep” each other in a specific way. I’m partnering with some other ministries to host an Alaskan Exploration Cruise with a mission in May, 2017. It sounds like a long way off, but registration and the first deposit is due September 1, 2016. It will be the adventure of a lifetime and I’m asking you to “Hep” me get the word out. Check out the information here.
If I can “Hep” you out by answering any questions, please email me at