“I have a question.”
It is not at all uncommon for my conversations to begin that way. Someone says to me, “I have a question.” Since that, in itself, is not a question, but a statement that a question exists in the mind of the speaker, what should my response be?
“Good for you! Questions are an important part of learning.” Probably not, though I might try it sometime.
“Ok …” That seems a little tentative.
“So, ask it already!” That seems a little pushy.
Here’s my standard, go-to response: “I have an answer.” It may not be the right one, but I’ll give it my best shot.
Life is full of questions, but sometimes people are either hesitant to ask:
- because they don’t want to look foolish (remember in school when you were afraid to ask because you thought everyone else already knew the answer)
- because they are afraid of the answer (it may require a change in behavior)
- because they don’t have a safe forum where they are comfortable asking (fear of ridicule, argument, bullying, etc)
- because _______ (you fill in the blank).
I recently asked my email subscribers (use the link on the right sidebar to join my list) what topics they would like me to address in a future blog or podcast. I’ve been blogging for 7 years and podcasting for almost 2 about whatever topic comes to mind. I think my topics are timely, but I want to know what questions people have for which I might be able to help provide some thoughtful and gracious perspective.
Here are some of the responses:
- “Church vs. the recliner, how do we get people to feel comfortable coming to our time of Praise, Worship & Bible Teaching?”
- “The Things that we can’t get wrong – the essentials.”
- “How to find a good church.”
- “Avoiding temptation.”
- “There are so many people out to scam others so how do you know when to help people. I have heard different takes on this but no one wants to be taken so how do you handle this?”
- “Balancing truth and grace in today’s culture – applying this perhaps in a series on different real-life issues today.”
Now that’s some good stuff! I’m excited to dive into some of those in the weeks ahead. But since my blog also appears in 3 local newspapers, I’d love to hear from those of you who read my thoughts each week with a newspaper in your hands. I hear from you often when I run into you in person, but you are not likely to share your questions at that point. I’m not likely to remember them even if you do.
So send me an email at contactgerrylewis@gmail.com or use the comment section below. It’s a safe place where you won’t be ridiculed and you’ll get an honest and gracious response to the best of my ability and you’ll be reminded that your life matters to God.
Two rules:
(1) No “gotcha” questions. That’s where you have already made up your mind and you are looking for an argument. I don’t play that game.
(2) Understand that your question will be answered in the public forum of a blog/column or podcast. My current commitments do not allow me to engage in a private email conversation with everyone who has a question—as much as I would love to. I won’t identify you by name publicly, but I will answer your “reader” question.
So, let me hear from you and let’s continue this amazing journey together. Go …