Twenty-two thousand, two hundred eighty-four.

Fourteen thousand, fifty-three.

Twelve thousand, six hundred fifty-five.

Three thousand, three.

One thousand, seventy-three.


Anyone want to guess what those numbers mean?

Here’s the first hint: they are significant to me.

Still nothing?

Here’s the second hint: they are numbers of days that I calculated on Tuesday, December 27. 2022.

Those who know me best may be able to guess the first one.

Yep! It is the number of days since the day of my birth on December 24, 1961.

The second one is the number of days since my Sweetie became my Mrs. on July 6, 1984.

The third one is the number of days since I got a new name—Daddy—on May 5, 1988.

The fourth one is the number of days since I got another new name—Grandpa—on October 8, 2014.

Let me pause and bask in that one for a moment.


(Thanks for your indulgence).

The last one is the number of days between the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States of America and the day I tested positive for the first time (hopefully, the last time).

We had eleven people gathered under our roof for a few days at Christmas and I was the first to test positive, so it has to be my fault. (We are up to 4 of the 11 at the time of this writing).

Fortunately none of us has experienced anything worse than symptoms of a cold. In fact, I wouldn’t even have thought to test if my next-door neighbor hadn’t texted to let me know that he tested positive the day after visiting our house to see our kids and grands while they were in town.

I can’t blame it on him because I was already sick and isolating at that point.

I did all this calculating on Tuesday evening at 9:00 p.m. when I suddenly realized I had missed my Monday deadline for submitting my weekly post to the newspaper.


The beginning of a new year is a good time to count the days. Of course, that typically means looking ahead.

Psalm 90:12 says,

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

I’m not sure whether that means looking forward or backward, but I suspect there is a little of both.

Numbering our days is not nearly so much about counting the days as it is about making the days count.

As I look back over the 22,291 days (at the time of this writing) of my life, I think about what I have learned through both successes and failures, joys and sorrows, and everything in between.

As I look forward to the 363 days remaining in 2023, I think about the kind of person I want to be.

Here’s what I wrote in my journal this morning.

“More than anything else, I want to love God and walk in the grace of Jesus more deeply this year. I want to reflect the Kingdom in the way I love. I want to be the husband Sweetie needs and enjoy our journey together. I want to be the encouraging and supporting dad and grandpa that my kids and grands need. I want to be a good neighbor and friend. I want to contribute to the work of the Kingdom. I want to end seasons well and start new ones with joy and enthusiasm.”

This is my desire for me and for you in this new year.

Be amazing today, my friend.


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.