“Truth” (noun):
- the true or actual state of a matter;
- conformity with fact or reality;
- a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like;
- the state or character of being true;
- actuality or actual existence;
- an obvious or accepted fact;
- ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience;
- agreement with a standard or original;
- accuracy as of position or adjustment (from dictionary.com ).
Have you noticed that “truth”—like “beauty”—is often in the eye of the beholder?
I’m not talking about real truth. I’m talking about what we accept as truth.
Here’s how it seems to work:
If a person I really like and respect says it’s true, I will give it a hearing. That doesn’t mean I accept it as fact. It just means that I won’t dismiss it out of hand.
I need to run it through a few more tests.
Like this one: If the person I like and respect says it’s true and it affirms what I already believe, then it is more likely to be true. After all, I’ve believed this for a long time and I’ve spent hours googling and finding quite a few experts who also agree with me. Of course, if they do not agree with me, they are no longer experts; they are “experts” and their “facts” are suspect.
I probably need to add one more test.
If the person I like and respect says it’s true AND it affirms what I already believe AND it helps to accomplish my agenda and defeat any alternate agenda, then it definitely has the ring of truth to it. In fact, it seems obvious. Anyone who can’t see it is probably deceived because of their gullibility. In that case, they need to be corrected.
Unless they are not gullible. In that case, they need to be shamed and identified as enemies of the truth.
But what if a person I have always liked and respected says it’s true, but it DOESN’T affirm what I believe and it DOESN’T help accomplish my agenda?
Can it possibly be true? Should I reconsider my position?
Heck, no! That person has obviously caved and lost their way. Or maybe they were never really trustworthy and I just missed it. Either way, they’ve lost my respect and I’m disappointed in them.
IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING, the previous paragraphs were dripping with sarcasm.
Truth is not in the eye of the beholder. Truth is true no matter who says it. And I believe that all truth has God as its source.
Here’s the kicker: if all truth does indeed have God as its source, whether I believe it or not does not change the truth of it. Truth is true regardless of how I respond.
This exchange recorded in John 18:37-38 prompted my thinking today:
Jesus: “In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
Pilate: “What is truth?”
Isn’t that our question?
Here’s my conclusion: Truth is not something we create or choose; it is something we seek to discover and live.
Even if we have to change our minds to do it.
Be amazing today, my friend.