“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” (Colossians 4:5-6, New Living Translation)
I have heard (and perhaps preached) sermons that really focused on verse 5: live wisely … make the most of every opportunity. The idea is that we never know when another opportunity will arise, so we don’t want to miss an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus.
That is not a wrong interpretation; it is an incomplete one. As I was reading Colossians chapter 4 this morning, it occurred to me that verse 5 is the “what.” Verse 6 is the “how.”
If we make it our aim to always engage in conversations graciously and attractively, that will lead us to the proper response for each person with whom we converse. That proper response is what leads to wisely making the most of every opportunity.
Many years ago, my doctoral supervisor gave me a definition of “responsibility” that has helped to shape me for all these years. “Responsibility,” he said, “is the ability to respond.”
I want to fulfill my responsibility with each person with whom I come in contact. I am praying that God will make my conversation gracious and attractive.
Question: What keeps our conversations from being gracious and attractive?
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