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Join these Amazon readers …

ES (Five Stars) – Gerry Lewis has a God given talent for writing in a way that is encouraging while truthfully admonishing.

Rick LeDonne (Five Stars) – Dr. Lewis did an amazing job. Not only did he give the reader valuable actions to use RIGHT AWAY, he delivers it in a quick and easy read which is loaded with a Spirit filled foundation. I cannot wait until my summer bible study gets together. I am now far better prepared and will be able to make gentle changes in the way I prepare which will help EVERYONE engage on a deeper level while encouraging new disciples in our lives. Bravo, Gerry. Well done!!!

Jerry Barker (Five Stars) – This book will give you hope for the work of the church in current and coming generations. An important read for the Body of Christ!

CB (Five Stars) – Most books that I have read over the years approach discipleship essentially from a “deistic” standpoint where a mature believer takes a new/younger believer through some material; the new “disciple” is then told to “disciple” someone else. Instead, Dr. Gerry Lewis paints a picture of discipleship that is Christocetric where “discipleship” isn’t just something you’re “supposed to do” like eating your vegetables, but rather something that makes for a healthier disciple and healthier churches. Don’t take offense to the title. Buy it. Read it. Apply it. And let Jesus use it to form more Christlike followers in your church.

Tina Birkhoff (Five Stars) – What a delicious description of a well needed revision to studying the Bible! I have facilitated scripture study for many years and “Why Bible Study Doesn’t Work” gave me new angles to look at and enriched enthusiasm to take with me for future studies! Thanks Dr. Lewis!!

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Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.