Happy “snowed in, haven’t gone outside or put on real clothes in 3 days” Saturday, my friends!
I realize that not all of you had 9” of snow where you are (some had more, some none at all), but this has been my life for the last few days.
And since there was nowhere I had to be other than in my warm house with my favorite Mrs Sweetie, it’s been loverly!
I took this photo just before bedtime Thursday. Notice the blue glow under the snow. I’ll say more about it later.
My hymn text for today is “Breathe” – a song that originated in a spontaneous moment of worship about 25 years ago (according to the songwriter, Marie Barnett).
The song references the life-giving presence of the Holy Spirit and the sustaining nourishment of the Word of God.
The line that has been most widely impactful—according to feedback given to Mrs. Barnett— is “I’m desperate for You.”
It seems that there’s a lot of desperation in our world and that desperation has resulted in desperate actions.
After all, “desperate times call for desperate measures” (quote attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived from c. 470-360 BC).
However, it would seem that we are much more desperate for a long list of other things than we are for the Christ-life.
That reminds me of the words of Rich Mullins:
“Stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the Giver of all good things” (“If I Stand” – 1988).
All that misplaced desperation and the competition of “stuff” may result in a jaded view of the community around us. And that jaded view may result in careless words spoken in frustration.
“Whoever derides their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue” (Proverbs 11:12).
Here’s where I’m going with this:
I want to be so desperate for the life of Jesus to be demonstrated in my actions, attitudes, and words that I’ll do whatever it takes to shine His light through these desperate times.
Back to the blue glow:
I put some solar spotlights in my yard that shine on the front of our house. I had them alternating red and green during the Christmas season and switched them to blue last weekend.
After a full day of snow on Thursday—with very little sun—I was amazed to see the blue glow from lights that were completely covered by the snow!
They had every reason not to shine, but they did.
I want to be that way. I want to be so desperate to absorb enough of the Son—even through the clouds and snow of life—that I still shine with His life in me.
And I want my light to be an encouraging glow to those around me rather than a glaring, blinding spotlight on myself.
How about you?
Be amazing today, my friend.