It’s my fault.

Seriously, my Sweetie is innocent.

I take full responsibility.

For what?

Glad you asked.

For the warped sense of humor that both of our grownup children exhibit unabashedly.

Before the facepalm or eye-roll emoji’s ever existed in the mind of some little techie person somewhere, Mrs. Sweetie felt that way (though she was much too kind to roll her eyes out loud).

To be clear, she’s not an uptight, humorless, stick-in-the-mud. She has a great sense of humor. We laugh with and at each other all the time.

But she’s not warped.

I am.

Only a few people know how warped I am because I’ve lived in public long enough to give the appearance of being house-broken.

But I’m warped.

And so are my children.

We send each other puns and memes through texts and Facebook messages because we have a special warpedness bond.

I know what you may be imagining right now and I’ve probably made you think it’s worse than it is, so let me assure you that warped does not equal vulgar or inappropriate.

It just means facepalm or eye-roll worthy.

This has been an incredibly long and somewhat exaggerated introduction to something my daughter sent me today.

It was a signboard that said, “If you’re not in my circle of trust, you’re probably in my triangle of suspicion or rhombus of doubt.”

(I saw that eye roll.)

It takes some serious warpedness to fully appreciate geometric humor.

If you’re still reading at this point, you are either slightly warped or uncommonly optimistic. By optimistic, I mean that you think this is really going somewhere.

I suppose it is also possible that you are just someone who has to see things through to completion once you have invested your time.

I hope to not betray your optimism or endurance. (If you’re also warped, I just think that’s cool).

Here’s where I’m going: What does it take to gain entrance into the circle of trust?

Is it performance based? If so, what particular acts must I perform to get my invitation?

Is it associationally based? If so, with whom must I be associated to get in on their ticket?

Is it appearance based? If so, what do I need to adjust about my appearance to meet the entrance criteria?

I could go on with possibilities because I think there are as many variations as there are people.

There’s a novel, and perhaps dangerous, concept by which I attempt to operate.

You don’t have to do anything to gain entrance to my circle of trust. You have to do something to get removed.

In other words, my goal is to assume you are trustworthy until you prove yourself untrustworthy.

You don't have to do anything to gain entrance to my circle of trust. You have to do something to get removed. In other words, my goal is to assume you are trustworthy until you prove yourself untrustworthy. Share on X

We live in an increasingly divided, cynical, and even angry culture. Because of that, it is tempting to let mistrust, suspicion, and doubt become our default.

It’s much safer to live a more guarded existence. (Yes, I’ve been burned).

I just don’t think cynicism is what we were made for. Maybe that makes me warped in another way.

I’ve got more thoughts on the concept of trust, but I think I’ll save them for next week.

Be amazing today, my friend.


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.