“Old age ain’t no place for sissies.”
I realize that “sissies” is probably not a politically correct word (is there such a thing?), but I’m quoting Bette Davis, not composing an original statement.
I’ve heard that “time flies when you’re having fun.” In my experience, once you hit a certain age (which we will not specify), time flies whether you are having fun or not!
Of course, it’s all perspective, because what time really does is march on. That’s the truth. It doesn’t drag or fly; it simply marches forward in an unwavering, unending tempo.
Our perspective is what makes it seem to drag or fly.
When I’m waiting for my grandchildren (and their parents, of course) to arrive at my house, it seems to drag.
When I looked at the calendar this morning and realized that 2018 is almost 2/3 gone, I can’t believe how it has flown!
I have so much left to do before this year is done! My 2018 to-do list may be longer now than it was in January! I’m just getting further behind!
That way of thinking is life-draining and joy-sucking.
If we are driven by the clock, calendar, and to-do list, then time is running out. We’re aging. We’re wasting away.
We can’t turn back the clock or calendar (despite the claims of various supplements, lotions, and health regimens). We can’t do all the things we used to do.
The to-do list gets longer and out of control.
Productivity. Achievement. Accomplishment. Success.
Chasing shadows. Grasping at mist.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16)
This “renewal” is not turning back the clock but reframing our way of thinking.
One of life’s subtle lies (sometimes even perpetuated by people of faith) is that God has great things for each of us to do.
The truth is that God has an amazing life for each of us to live.
That’s the perspective I’m seeking. It’s living from the inside out. It’s living from the core, not the list.
In my case, it’s traveling joyfully, focusing forward, packing strategically, and listening intently.
It’s being amazed, being amazing and championing amazingness.
It’s doing what I must do to fulfill my calling rather than doing what must be done to complete the list.
That’s life-giving and joy-replenishing.
I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have a list. I’m saying our list should be formed out of a perspective that is being continuously renewed.
Our lives matter to God. Our lists tend to matter more to us. We can accomplish everything on our lists and still live a joyless and purposeless existence.
I can’t find a verse in the Bible that says God is the source of lists. I can find plenty that say He is the source of life.
I can’t find a verse in the Bible that says God is the source of lists. I can find plenty that say He is the source of life. Click To Tweet
How will you embrace renewal today? Be amazing, my friend.