OK, I admit it. I’m a bit warped.

And because I’m a bit warped, sometimes I notice things that I think are funny only to discover that not everyone appreciates what I notice.

So here’s my apology in advance in case anything in this post offends you. Sorry (not sorry) 😉.

I’ve had 4 nights in 2 different hotels in the past couple of weeks. The image I’ve included here is from the bathroom of the most recent one. (The verse from 1 Corinthians was not displayed).

I happened to be in position to really notice the way the toilet paper rolls were installed and my warpedness kicked in.

It has been my experience that many people (myself included) have strong opinions about which way the toilet paper roll should be installed.

I honestly cannot think of ONE legitimate reason to install it the other way.

I have a small group of close friends who pretend to enjoy my warpedness, so I took a photo and texted it to the group with the message:

“Is this what it means to be all things to all people?

I won’t share the whole conversation, but here are some important highlights:

After several exchanges …

Friend 1: “Not that I am obsessive compulsive or anything, but would you mind fixing the wrong one?”

More exchanges …

Me: “This could be the greatest image of our political climate.”

Friend 2: “Sounds like a blog post.”

Me: “Could happen tomorrow.”

Tomorrow has arrived and I’m still convinced that I may be onto something.

The “over” folks cannot imagine why anyone would think “under” is a good idea. In fact, it’s just flat out WRONG to do it that way!

Therefore, we must give more attention to correcting this bathroom blasphemy before the uncouth “unders” gain any more influence for their washroom witchcraft! (Three—count them—three alliterations).

And the “unders” have the same opinions about those obnoxious “overs.”

And then someone comes along and suggests that we try a compromise and provide options.

Sell outs!

It’s a slippery slope!

Am I being a bit facetious? Hopefully.

Am I exaggerating? I wish.

Someone might suggest that toilet paper is not a first tier conflict, so maybe it’s a bad example.

The problem is that far too many of us define first tier conflicts as those issues which offend ME.

When the Apostle Paul wrote,

“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22),

he wasn’t talking about compromise on the essentials of the gospel.

He was talking about making connections and concessions on non-essentials FOR THE SAKE of the gospel.

It is my opinion that much of our warring is over things that matter about as much as toilet paper in the grand scheme of things.

And one of the things that really matters is whether or not we are willing to listen to each other—to entertain the possibility that those who differ might have legitimate questions and concerns (and even reasonably noble intentions).

But that would require us to let go of our toilet paper obsessions.

Just a thought (or a few) from an admittedly warped and often stumbling explorer that’s attempting to live the Christ-life.

Be amazing today, my friend.


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.