God—revealing Himself in His most unexplainable ways—helps us to see beauty in the world where we see only chaos and to see our neighbors as worthy of love when we only view them with suspicion.

Regrettably, I had never heard of Simone Weil until I read this quote in my “Spiritual Formation Bible” this morning.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'on "The soul has to loving in the emptiness, or at least A on wanting to love, though it may only be with an infinitesimal part of itself. Then, one day, God will come to come show himself to this soul and reveal the beauty of the world to it." -Simone Weil (1909-1943) "Waiting for God" DISCOVERYOURAMAZING.COM DISCOVERY'

I spent about 20 minutes on her Wikipedia page. Fascinating. She packed a lot into 34 years of life.

As I read the quote, I thought about the unfortunate worldview that many Christians have adoptedthat we’re just hanging in there in this terrible, broken, scary world until we can escape to heaven.

This world is God’s. Therefore there is beauty to be discovered (that’s not limited to visible beauty) and there are neighbors to be loved (not just those that are easy to love).

I want to see the beauty.

I want to love my neighbors.

And when I can do neither, I want to want to.

And in that wanting, I may open a door through which God can “show up.”


-What do you see in the world?

-What do you want to?

Be amazing today, my friend.

#IWantToLove #GoDeepBeAmazing #discoverYourAmazing


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.