I never would have believed it!  Dallas Willard, Francis Chan, John Ortberg, Emerson Eggerichs, Priscilla Shirer, Rick Warren, Timothy Keller, A.W. Tozer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Henri Nouwen, J.I. Packer, Brennan Manning, John MacArthur, David Platt and Dr. Gerry Lewis listed on the same Amazon Best Sellers lists!


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I am blown away and so incredibly grateful to God and to those who have been buying, sharing, and reviewing my book.

What readers are saying:

John Adams – Wow! Dr. Gerry Lewis has done it again. He has written a book from his heart to the Christian Church that is relevant, to the point and desperately needed today. The title, ‘Why Bible Study Doesn’t Work,’ is a shocking title to the serious student/teacher of the Bible. But in this great book, he points the Christian to the Christ-centered life, and the application of what is taught in the Scriptures. A must read for the Church today.

Catherine – This book has great qualities in it. First, you can feel the author’s authenticity and wealth of knowledge, as well as his orthodoxy. I am not a pastor or a church leader or anyone similar. I liked the cover and the book’s title: that’s why I wanted to know more and I downloaded the book. I didn’t know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised (and i am particularly difficult with Christian authors). This book is no milk. I found it fascinating and sometimes hard to read: but always with love and for your own good. As the author points out: we don’t necessarily need new information. We need new (bodily and powerful – I might add) perspective. The author wants to be (and is) supportive: “support says your growth -not your comfort- is my priority. I will ask hard questions”. That’s what thought-provoking books do. That’s what this book is doing. I love it (even if I generally don’t like hard questions…) Great book overall

Troy Strickland –  I have a confession to make. I often feel like a bad pastor compared to many of my friends because I have a hard time reading books written about issues in church life. I’m a nuts and bolts guy, and most books written on church life take so much time simply getting to the issue I lose interest in the first few chapters. My bookshelves are full of books I will finish one day.

THIS BOOK IS A RARE EXCEPTION! Dr. G doesn’t mince words or wax eloquent to get to the issue at the heart of this book. From the very first word, you know the issue at hand (true discipleship) and what the book is really about (how to turn your Bible Studies into more than a fix all in the church world). The insights he reveals in this short book have the opportunity to bring a lasting impact into any church ministry setting. If you are going to read one book (besides the Bible) this year to help you gain a better understanding of Bible study’s part in disciple making, this is the book to read.

At only 5 chapters, it can be read in a single afternoon, but the concepts and suggestions he makes can be implemented daily and weekly in many aspects of individual and church ministry. A short read with powerful application. Truly another must read work by Dr. G.


Join these readers and others by downloading your copy for just 99 cents TODAY ONLY. THE PRICE INCREASES TO $2.99 TOMORROW (JUNE 21)


Just an ordinary guy living an amazing life. Amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Seeking the flourishing of fellow travelers. Author, Blogger, Speaker, Singer, CoachSultant, Husband, Dad, Grandpa.