This is the third post in an unexpected three part blog series inspired by 1 John 2:9-11. The series was unexpected because I don’t typically write in series in my blog. Even the length was unexpected. It started with one post (Haters gonna hate). When I got close to what I consider the maximum length for these posts, I wasn’t finished. So, I announced a second. Post two (Don’t be hatin’) unpacked post one, but when I again approached the length threshold, I felt I needed to add one more with some practical application (you might want to read the other two first for context if you haven’t already done so). So, here ‘tis …
- Don’t be a hater. Seriously. Stop it. I don’t know how much more practical to get. If you have a problem with someone in the family of God, it is not your job to bring them down a notch. So what can you do?
- Love them by praying for them
- Love them by praying with them
- Love them by serving them
- Love them by forgiving them even if they have not yet asked for it
- Love them by asking their forgiveness even if you feel justified
This person may not become your best friend. That is not the goal. The goal is that the work of God may not be hindered in your life, the other person’s life, or the life of the church
- Don’t give a hater control of your life. You don’t have control over anyone’s response but yours. “Haters gonna hate” is actually true. So, how do you deal with a hater? The same way you avoid being one. Look at those 5 tips for dealing with someone with whom you have an issue. It is the same for someone who has an issue with you.
- Make sure love is visible. As long as we keep love locked up in the feeling cage, we will keep asking those self justifying questions like, “Who am I required to love?” Yesterday, I heard (and tweeted) a great quote from Frank Viola: “Love is benefiting others at the expense of yourself.”
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.” (1 John 3:18-19, New Living Translation)
Question: What will you do—STARTING TODAY—to begin eliminatin’ hatin’ from your church family?
Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your strategies and your response to this entire 3 part series.